• Management Profiles


      President Commissioner : Darsono, Ph.D.
      Commissioner : Bambang Indiarto
      Commissioner : Iman Firmansyah

      DARSONO, Ph.D.

      Mr. Darsono, Ph.D. was appointed as President Commissioner of PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) based on the Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders  in October 2020. He obtained doctoral degree in Economics from University of Wollongong, Australia in 1999. He has had various positions during his career at Bank Indonesia, and his last position was Executive Director of Center for Central Bank Research and Education in 2017.


      Mr. Bambang Indiarto obtained his Bachelor degree from Gadjah Mada University, majoring in Economics (1983) and Master degree from Prasetiya Mulya Business School (2009). He started his career as a credit industry analyst at Bank Dagang Negara in 1986, furthermore served as Deputy Chairman in one of Bank Dagang Negara Branches (1997-1999), Group Head of Custodial Services Bank Mandiri (1999-2001), Director of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (2001-2006), President Director of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (2006-2007), Director of PT Staco Estika Sedaya Finance (ACC) (2011-2012), Director of PT Staco Graha; Astra Group (2014-2015), Commissioner of PT Bintang Artha Global (2014-2015). Currently Mr. Bambang still serves as an Independent Commissioner at PT Capital Life Indonesia and as an Audit Committee Member of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia since 2015.


      Mr. Iman Firmansyah joined PEFINDO as Board Member starting June 23, 2021. He graduated from Universitas Kristen Indonesia majoring in Economics (1989) and also master’s degree (Magister Manajemen) from Universitas Pancasila in 1999. Beginning his career early at PT Taspen (Persero) as Insurance Fund Manager (2000), Branch Manager in Jember city (2004), Surakarta city (2006), General Manager of Indirect Investment (2008 to 2013) prior to his assignment as Investment Director (2013-2018) at the same entity. He’s also serving as Board Member as Commissioner at PT Waskita Toll Road (2015-2020) and PT Ranggi Sugiron Perkasa (2020-2021), as well as President Commissioner of PT Asuransi Jasindo Syariah (February 2021 to present).


      President Director : Irmawati

      Director : Hendro Utomo 
      Director : Ignatius Girendroheru


      Ms. Irmawati was appointed as President Director of PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) based on the Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) in November 2022. Prior to joining PEFINDO, she has huge experience in capital market by serving in certain strategic positions such as President Commissioner of PT Indonesian Capital Market Electronic Library (TICMI), Head of Business Incubation Division, and Head of IDX Start-Up Incubator of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange).

      Ms. Irmawati was graduated from Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia for her Bachelor degree on 1992 and earned her Master Degree Faculty of Economics, Universityof Indonesia on 1999 with a major in Banking and Finance.


      Mr. Hendro Utomo was appointed as Ratings Director of PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) based on the Resolution of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) in July 2020. He has had a long career at PEFINDO as an analyst since 2004, before he held the position of Rating Director he was previously Head of Financial Institution Rating Division with grade Senior Vice President from 2007 to 2020.

      Graduated from Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia, Mr. Hendro Utomo began his career in 1997 as credit analyst at PT Bank Sumitomo Indonesia, then in 2000 as credit controller at PT Bank DBS Indonesia and in 2002 as corporate banking assistant manager at PT Bank UFJ Indonesia.


      Mr. Ignatius Girendroheru was appointed as Compliance Director of PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) based on the resolution of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) in July 2020. Prior to joining PEFINDO he was President Director of PT Penyelenggara Program Perlindungan Investor Efek Indonesia (P3IEI) - Indonesia Securities Investor Protection Fund (ISIPF) since 2016 - 2020.

      He also held the position of President Director of PT Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia (PHEI) / Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency (IBPA) in 2008 - 2016. In 2007-2008 he was Head of Real Sector Listing Division at the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In 2006, he first joined the Jakarta Stock Exchange as a senior researcher after previously from 1996-2006, he held a career in the Surabaya Stock Exchange with his last position as Head of Fixed Income Trading Division. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Geophysics from the University of Texas at Austin, United States in 1992 and MBA degree from the University of North Texas, United States in 1995.