Press Release IDX-PEFINDO Prime Bank
PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO), in synergy with PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) or Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), launched a new index called "IDX-PEFINDO Prime Bank" (Code: PRIMBANK10). PEFINDO President Director, Irmawati Amran said that IDX-PEFINDO Prime Bank was developed with the support of synergy and credibility between PEFINDO and IDX. "IDX-PEFINDO Prime Bank offers a choice of shares with a measurable rating from PEFINDO and is a market driver in the banking sector," explained Irmawati. Irmawati added that the launch of IDX-PEFINDO Prime Bank is expected to become a reference and main choice for investing in the stock market with special exposure to the banking sector. Currently, IDX-PEFINDO Prime Bank is the only banking index that accommodates PEFINDO ratings as a basis for constituent selection.